Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Color Pop

The focus of today is the book shelves flanking my TV set. In my old house they were covered with books and games, the one on the right was white, and the one on the left was a light wood veneer. The new house, however has bookshelves built in all over the place and these guys were left without a home. So I painted them a dark brown to sort of match our TV stand and now I need to accessorize them somehow. They need some color. 

Yesterday my mom and I went to Deseret Industries and found 7 clear flower vases for under $5.00!! We bought some glass paint and I went to town:

I think they will be adorable in the dark brown bookshelves! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now What??

Well, Christmas is over. I was given several items to help me update my house a bit, so its almost time to start major projects! I will post more about that later though. FIRST I need you to help me decide what to do with the picture frames below. I just put things in them for Christmas, and now I need some cute/creative ideas for the rest of the year. Whomever gives me the idea that I end up using wins a dozen cookies with one of my new chocolate molds on top!


This was just a practice run. the cookies you win will have beautiful clean molds on top :-) These are the frames I need ideas for:

Can you help me please??? Especially the big frame. I'm tired of pictures of me and Scott all over our house.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas time is here!

Well now that I've totally missed the opportunity to post my real Halloween cookies. And my darling Thanksgiving cookies... It's CHRISTMAS! It is always surprising how quickly Christmas sneaks up. This year it snuk up on me in the form of cookie orders! One day my schedule was wiiiiiide open. The next? 21 dozen cookies looming over me. To be fair- only 16 dozen were orders, the other 5 were for my own goodie plates. And this past week I only made 13 dozen. So here are pictures! because that is what is really important.

13 dozen (or 156 individual) cookies.

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Some of the finished cookies

And a snowflake. One of the few I've seen in my lifetime.