Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Ornaments

 Let's talk about decorating a tree for a second. Do you prefer the perfectly matched and fancy Christmas tree, or the messy sentimental one?

Personally- I favor the sentimental tree. Growing up, most of our ornaments were the ones that us kids had made in school for my parents and it was so fun to laugh and reminisce while we hung them on the tree. While my husband and I haven't been  blessed with children yet, we still value a sentimental tree. So our tree is filled with ornaments we've purchased together, or that were given to us by family members.

Each year we each pick a new ornament for our tree (usually after Christmas..) This year we are going to get a joint ornament and buy a new tree topper. Our star always falls off.

Here are some of my favorite ornaments:

I purchased this grasshopper from Anthropologie last year (my favorite store)

My mother-in-law gave me this ship ornament for Christmas a few years ago. (okay, it's also from Anthropologie...)

We have three of these tear shaped beauties. They belonged to Scott's grandma. I never had the good fortune of meeting her, but I feel honored to have something she liked on my tree.

My great grandma made this little pink star. It has been a favorite of mine since I was a tiny child. I had to beg my mom to let me take it with me when I got married. She has a few more, but this was her favorite too. 

Scott made this baby Jesus in his manger when he was really little. I think it's a peanut? At any rate, he brought it with him when we got married and it will be around forever. Unless it rots, or a dog eats it.

And I know you saw her yesterday, but here is our perfect tree filled with sentiment!