Saturday, September 10, 2011

oh hi there

Hi readers (...anyone?)

Well it looks like I'm alone in here, but that's ok! it's been about a year since I've blogged anything at all, and there really wasn't much of "me" in there. I have decided that this blog is all about me, so now I will be very present in all my posts! Since these posts are all about me- let me tell you a little about myself. 

I married the love of my life2 years ago and we live a blissful life here in Mesa AZ where we will be forever and ever. 

When i married my last name changed from Pratt, to Stinocher (pronounced Sty-knock-er). It overwhelms people to read my name, but once you know how to pronounce it, it's very easy!

Scott (oh that's my husband) and I have 2 dogs, Harvey (Rhodesian ridge back/German shepherd mix), and Cash (Corgi/everything else you can imagine mix). Both are crazy, but Harvey is craziest. I'm sure you will hear PLENTY about these little guys in the future.

I work in a call center (that you know) and I teach piano lessons. Well I WANT to teach piano lessons, finding students has proven to be more difficult that originally planned. BUT recently I have started decorating cookies.

I am going to start selling them for $15/dozen. actually i made my first sell at work on Thursday. I have been commissioned to make spongebob cookies. Pictures will follow. 

We just bought a new home, and i will be posting pictures in the future as i decorate each room. well that's a basic summary of me! hope you enjoy my blog as i truly work harder to make posts :-)