Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Palatable Pigs, Peace Signs, and Patterns

Our activity for the youth this evening is called "pig out on personal progress." Personal progress is a program where the girls make goals based on values and carry out those goals. So this activity is to help them become familiar with the book. Tonight we are all wearing PINK and bringing PINK treats! 
Of course, I made cookies :-)

Of course the round ones had to be PINK PUMPKIN PIGS AND PEACE SIGNS. Mainly because Scott wanted more pumpkin cookies. 


  1. How did I not know you had a blog? Adorable!

    Can I just tell you I am dying over your delicious pumpkin sugar cookies! Oh how I love pumpkin, and also sugar cookies.. how could this go wrong?

    Oh, and I can not believe your Nightmare Before Christmas cookies! Easily one of my fav. movies. You are so talented!

  2. Thanks Tracy! I'd be happy to make some pumpkin sugar cookies for you!
